Annual Meeting 2024 Program Book

Thursday, 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM | Convention Center-33A (Upper Level East) Session ID: M21-200
Roundtable Session

Southern California Seminary will host a session on the development of dispensational thought featuring Cory M. Marsh, James I. Fazio, Darrell L. Bock, Mark A. Snoeberger, and Phillip J. Long, with a critical response from Daniel G. Hummel, author of The Rise and Fall of Dispensationalism. Space is limited to 200 attendees.

Friday, 8:30 AM - 11:00 AM | Grand Hyatt-Coronado A (Fourth Level) Session ID: P22-101
Papers Session
Session I - Glimpses of the Triune God in Theology and Justice   Rodney Palmer, presiding   1: Baptism of the Spirit: A Theological-Historical Analysis   2: Divine Unity or Human Mutiny? The Father in Heaven and the Mother Earth   3: Exploring Pneumatology, Panentheism, and Inter-Religious Dynamics   4: Agitated and Empowered: The Spirit of God and Resistance      Session II - Glimpses of the Triune God in the Gospel of John   Michael Campbell, presiding   1: The Holy Spirit in the Gospel of John   2: The Baptism by the Holy Spirit   3: Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes: Character Study in John 21:1-14   4: The Role of the Holy Spirit in the Exchatological Restoration of God's People: An Inner Biblical Interpretation of John 3:1-15










Friday, 8:30 AM - 11:00 AM | Grand Hyatt-Coronado B (Fourth Level) Session ID: P22-102
Papers Session
Session I - Glimpses of the Triune God in the Pauline Epistles   Sigve Tonstad, presiding   1: Titus 3:5 and the Washing of Regeneration: The Role of the Holy Spirit in Justification   2: The Puzzling Absence of the Holy Spirit in the Introductions of Paul’s Letters   3: Paul's Theology of the Human Body as the Temple of the Holy Spirit: An Analysis of 1 Corinthians 6:19   4 : The Holy Spirit and The Believers’ Ethical Wisdom in Galatians 5:16–25   Paper Session II - Glimpses of the Triune God in the Christian Experience   Tihomir Lazic, presiding   1: The Epistemology of the Holy Spirit to Articulating His Presence Among Believers: Evaluation of Two Conflicting Models and A Proposal   2: The Missing Blue: God's Energy, Holy Spirit, and Godly Emotions   3: Ascending Heavenward: The Holy Spirit’s Work in the Life of the Believer   4: The Holy Spirit and its role in the life of the Christian Person 










Friday, 8:30 AM - 11:00 AM | Grand Hyatt-Coronado E (Fourth Level) Session ID: P22-103
Papers Session
Session 1, Track C - Glimpses of the Triune God in the Life of the Church   1: Paul and the Work of the Holy Spirit Within the Context of the Great Controversy   2: The Holy Spirit's Role in Discerning “Present Truth” in the Digital Era   3: The Ministry of the Holy Spirit to the Christian Church as Depicted in the Book of Revelation: From the Incarnation of the Messiah to the Cessation of Grace    4: The Holy Spirit and the Orientation Towards   Session II, Track C - Glimpses of the Triune God in Philosophy and the Sciences   1: Ontological Transformation Through the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit    2: Many Can Be One: A New Analogy for the Trinity   3: Divine Spirit Both Grounds and Animates Science’s Domain   4:Reading Mysticism, Pneumatology, and Cognitive Literary Theory in E. J. Waggoner’s The Everlasting Covenant










Friday, 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM | Grand Hyatt-Coronado D (Fourth Level) Session ID: P22-105a
Roundtable Session

Institutions of higher education across the nation are increasing the hire of full-time contingency colleagues. The presence of contingent faculty in institutions has been enriching the curriculum in some contexts while disrupting the curriculum in other contexts. This conversation is a gathering to discuss the multilayered experience of being a full-time contingent person in theological education. Participants are invited to connect with other full-time contingency colleagues for conversations concerning the teaching life. Central to the conversation will be an exploration of identity formation, scholarship development, and improving the teaching life. This preconference roundtable will include small groups and plenary discussions as well as shared meals. We will grapple with such questions as: • What does it mean to have a fulfilling career as a full-time contingent scholar? • In what ways can networking enrich and bolster full-time contingency faculty? To register for this event, please connect to our website at the following link:…

Friday, 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM | Grand Hyatt-Hillcrest A-D (Third Level … Session ID: M22-100
Roundtable Session

Lutheran Women in Theological and Religious Studies (LWTRS)

AAR-SBL Pre-Gathering

November 22, 2024

8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.

(Zoom option available)

6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Dinner

Lutheran Women in Theological and Religious Studies (LWTRS) gather annually for scholarship, worship, and friendship. Lutheran women who are scholars in theology and religion, including graduate students, women who teach or study at Lutheran institutions, and rostered ELCA women, are invited.

To register and/or make a dinner reservation, please contact Heather Dean at after September 15.

Friday, 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM | Hilton Bayfront-Sapphire 400A (Fourth… Session ID: P22-104
Roundtable Session

Employing and Revising Tillich’s Categories Today

8:30–10:10 Psychology

10:25–11:40 Theology and Philosophy

11:50–12:40 Power & Critique

12:40–2 Lunch & Board Meeting

2–3:40 Panel: The Nature of God: Tillich, Theological Humanism, and Environmental Hermeneutics in Memory of David Klemm and Forrest Clingerman

4–5:30 Book Panel: Robert Neville’s Strange, Surprising, Sure

5:30–6 Business Meeting