Roundtable Session Annual Meeting 2024

Mision integral en contexto: Latino/a Evangelical Scholars in the Academy

Saturday, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM | Hilton Bayfront-Aqua 309 (Third Level) Session ID: P23-113
Abstract for Online Program Book (maximum 150 words)

Roundtable discussion by Latino/a scholars from the AAR/SBL on the challenges and opportunities for Evangelical Latino/a scholars in the academy. The topic of misión integral (an understanding of Christian mission that embraces both evangelism and social responsibility) brings together mainline, evangelical, and Pentecostal Latino/a Christians in a shared missional commitment. Followed by the annual business meeting of La Comunidad. Session is co-sponsored by the Latino/a Biblical and Theological Reflection Unit of the Evangelical Theological Society.