Roundtable Session Annual Meeting 2024

Navigating Differences When Teaching Religion

Sunday, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM | Omni-Boardroom 2 (Sixth Floor) Session ID: P24-102
Abstract for Online Program Book (maximum 150 words)

Students come to the study of religion with a variety of perspectives. Some are people of faith with a strong interest in affirming and defending their beliefs. Others may be curious about both familiar and unfamiliar religious traditions or looking to critically engage childhood religious experiences. Still others question the social value of religions, particularly when religious rhetoric sparks violence and sociopolitical divisions. In this open roundtable discussion, we will explore how religious diversity and even hostility within or toward religious traditions creates challenges and opportunities for teaching and learning in religious education and religious studies classrooms. Participants will be invited to share strategies for acknowledging differences, fostering respectful conversations, and wrestling with intractable conflicts. (Bring your own lunch.)