Saturday, 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM | San Antonio Convention Center-Room 221C…
Session ID: A18-225
Hosted by: Special Session
Abstract for Online Program Book (maximum 150 words)
Our co-sponsored special session, honors the scholarly legacy of the late Delores Williams, a trailblazing womanist theologian. We recognize the significance of Williams’ works and particularly highlight the 30th Anniversary of the publication of Sisters in the Wilderness: The Challenge of Womanist Godtalk (Orbis, 1993). This is an invited panel with closed submissions.
9 Sponsoring Units:
- Black Theology Unit (Jawanza E. Clark and Eboni Marshall Turman, Co-Chairs)
- Tillich: Issues in Theology, Religion, and Culture Unit (Michelle Watkins and Kirk MacGregor, Co-Chairs)
- Womanist Approaches to Religion and Society Unit (Melanie Jones and Valerie Miles-Tribble, Co-Chairs)
- Martin Luther and Global Lutheran Traditions Unit (Jacob Erickson and Marit Trelstad, Co-Chairs)
- Liberation Theologies Unit (Iskander Abbasi, K. Christine Pae and M.T. Davila, Co-Chairs)
- Theology of Martin Luther King, Jr. Unit (Montague Williams and Leonard McKinnis, Co-Chairs)
- Sacred Texts, Theory, and Theological Construction Unit (Karen Bray and Robert Seesengood, Co-Chairs)
- Class, Religion & Theology Unit (Jeremy Posadas and Rosetta E. Ross, Co-Chairs)
- African Diaspora Religions Unit (Scott Barton and Carol Marie Webster, Co-Chairs)