Monday, 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM | San Antonio Convention Center-Room 301C…
Session ID: A20-329
Abstract for Online Program Book (maximum 150 words)
This roundtable session explores the impact of religious nationalisms in a global frame considering how such exchanges intersect with discourses about sexuality and gender. Much attention has been paid to recent campaigns by white Christian nationalists to unseat or discredit school board members, teachers, librarians, and BIPOC law makers. Less attention has been paid to the unlikely coalitions of conservative Muslims, Jews, and BIPOC evangelicals and Pentecostals, who have been working alongside white Christian nationalists in these efforts. Featuring discourses about sexuality, this roundtable attends to the reverberations of white colonial nationalism and its co-opting of agency in other countries and cultures.
Audiovisual Requirements
LCD Projector and Screen
Play Audio from Laptop Computer
Accessibility Requirements
Wheelchair accessible