Roundtable Session Annual Meeting 2024

Religion and Veganism: Critical Perspectives

Monday, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM | Hilton Bayfront-Sapphire L (Fourth… Session ID: A25-104
Abstract for Online Program Book (maximum 150 words)

Collectively, this panel offers critical perspectives on animal ethics, food politics, and social justice within the context of religious belief, practice, and community. The growing adoption, visibility, and diversity of veganism have led to heightened scrutiny, fostering new debates in academic, political, and popular spheres. In response to this evolving discourse, this panel assembles scholars with diverse backgrounds and specializations to delve into the complex intersections of religion and veganism. Scholars of Tibetan and Japanese Buddhism examine moral discourses and ethical dilemmas associated with animal slaughter and animal captivity. Other panelists explore recent shifts in the acceptance of veganism / vegetarianism within the Nation of Islam and the Conservative Jewish movement. Further, scholars will present critical perspectives on the “omwashing” and “veganwashing” of the Israeli state, and a Jainism-inspired case for “freeganism” under consumer capitalism, the distinct practices of Black Veganism—all of which complicate conventional arguments for vegan praxis.

Audiovisual Requirements
LCD Projector and Screen
#Nation of Islam
#Black veganism
#Conservative Judaism