Roundtable Session Annual Meeting 2023

Effecting Institutional Change with and for Minoritized Communities

Saturday, 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM | San Antonio Convention Center-Room 210B… Session ID: A18-219
Abstract for Online Program Book (maximum 150 words)

In this session panelists will discuss the opportunities and challenges of working to create more inclusive and just institutions. Panelists will narrate their own experiences of justice work, including barriers they have experienced, coalitions they have built, and strategies for making this (often unpaid) work “count” for career advancement. The session will be interactive and participatory. Attendees will be invited to tell their own stories, find allies and co-conspirators, and strategize about how to do the work of effecting institutional change while not burning out in the process.

Accessibility Requirements
Wheelchair accessible
Wide aisles to accommodate wheelchairs and a traveling mic for both the audience and panel table.