Roundtable Session Annual Meeting 2023

From Knowledge and Liberation to Unbounded Wholeness through The Great Bliss Queen: In Honor of Anne C. Klein

Sunday, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM | San Antonio Convention Center-Room 225C… Session ID: A19-113
Abstract for Online Program Book (maximum 150 words)

Over the past two-and-a-half decades, Professor Anne C. Klein has pioneered new pathways in the academic study of Buddhist Studies, Gender Studies, and Contemplative Studies. To honor her celebrated career in the academy, this roundtable convenes scholars and students to discuss her many contributions, including her eight books. Presentations from the six panelists will foreground discrete aspects of the multiple epistemologies at work in Klein’s publications from Geluk discourse between Sautrantika and Madhyamaka in Knowledge and Liberation (1987) and Knowing, Naming, and Negation (1997) to gender-specific ways of knowing in Meeting the Great Bliss Queen (1995) to the logic of the nonconceptual in Unbounded Wholeness (2006) to epistemologies of perfection in her forthcoming, Being Human and a Buddha Too (2023). Each panelist, either as a scholar influenced by her work or as a graduate student mentored by Klein, will discuss how different ways of knowing – first-person, gendered, textualized, and so forth – are present in Klein’s body of work, giving the roundtable discussion a syncretically whole epistemological theme.

Audiovisual Requirements
LCD Projector and Screen
This panel was included in the CFP of the Tibetan and Himalayan Religions unit. Because of the limitations, I am unable to submit this to both the Tibetan and Himalayan Religions unit and the Contemplative Studies unit. I would recommend that these two units consider this a co-sponsored panel. Or that the Tibetan and Himalayan Religions unit consider it on their own terms.
#Contemplative Studies
#Tibetan Buddhism
#Gender Studies