Papers Session Annual Meeting 2023

What Would a Systematic Theology Without Walls Look Like?

Monday, 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM | Marriott Riverwalk-Alamo Ballroom,… Session ID: M20-112
Abstract for Online Program Book (maximum 150 words)

The aim of Theology Without Walls is theological inquiry that does not restrict itself to one’s own religion, or indeed to religion as the only source of insight. This multi-year topic will explore ways of developing a comprehensive or systematic Theology Without Walls. The topic for the first year is: What does “theology” mean “beyond” confessional boundaries? Is there a persuasive conception that points our inquiry in a fruitful direction? It is important not to limit the work to Western monotheistic categories. What questions or topics might be useful in developing a viable theology outside religious walls? What concepts or methods might be useful?
