Co-Sponsorship Annual Meeting 2023

African Diaspora Religions Unit, Mysticism Unit, and Queer Studies in Religion Unit

Call for Proposals

Africana Religion, Queer and Trans Studies, and Mysticism: Creativity, Synthesis, Marginality and Embodiment

In Africana religions, devotees/practitioners navigate visible and invisible worlds in ways that lead to mystical union/communion. What kinds of embodied practices or material technologies are used to facilitate mystical encounters? What role do creativity, story, and sound play in fostering mystical engagement? How do the fluid and hybrid nature of Africana religions enable marginalized and queer identities to experience mystical empowerment and transformation? We invite papers on Africana religion and mysticism including themes related to embodiment, movement, and gesture; queer identity; race, gender, and marginality; ritual, ceremony, and adornment; material culture and technologies; energy and performance; and sound, music, and rhythm.

Review Process: Participant names are anonymous to chairs and steering committee members during review, but visible to chairs prior to final acceptance/rejection