Program Unit Annual Meeting 2023

Nineteenth Century Theology Unit

Call for Proposals

In 2023 we will have three sessions:

  • An invited panel on Emily Dumler-Winckler's recent book, Modern Virtue: Mary Wollstonecraft and a Tradition of Dissent.

For our other sessions we are looking for paper proposals on the following themes:

  • Jewish Theology in the Nineteenth Century - We welcome proposals on any aspect of Jewish theology in the nineteenth century. However, as 2023 marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of British zoologist and co-discoverer of evolution Alfred Russell Wallace, we encourage papers on the broad theme of Jewish theology and nature. 
  • Theology and Patristic Scholarship in the Nineteenth Century (co-sponsored with the Schleiermacher Unit) - The nineteenth century witnessed the emergence of self-consciously modern forms of theology, with many of these theologies also underpinned by sophisticated historical narratives dating back to the Patristic period. The broad outlines of doctrinal history that major nineteenth-century theologians from Schleiermacher to Baur, Dorner, Ritschl, and Harnack constructed, have continued to inform historical theology even where their underlying dogmatic judgments were emphatically rejected. The goal of this panel is to take stock of this fascinating but under-researched aspect of nineteenth-century theology. For this session we invite paper and panel proposals that examine how historical and systematic theology worked hand in hand throughout the century, papers that analyze individual figures as well as broader, diachronic trends. 

We ask that all accepted papers be submitted to the AAR's Full-Paper Submission program by November 1. We have found that pre-circulated papers improve the quality of our sessions. Our regular attendees expect to read the papers before the meeting. Presenters will give 15-20-minute summaries of their papers during their session.

Statement of Purpose

Our Unit focuses on major themes, thinkers, and movements in nineteenth century religious thought and theology — from the French Revolution to World War I — and on the relation of religious thought to its historical, political, and cultural contexts. Each year the Unit selects two or three focused topics and predistributes papers before the AAR sessions.

Chair Mail Dates
Annette G. Aubert, Westminster Theological… - View
Sheila Briggs - View
Review Process: Participant names are visible to chairs but anonymous to steering committee members until after final acceptance/rejection