In the 2023 Disney short film Once Upon a Studio, Mickey Mouse stops beneath a photo of Walt Disney, thanks his creator, and invites viewers to join in this act of devotion. Meanwhile, a quiet piano phrase from the 1964 Disney song “Feed the Birds” plays in the background. According to Disney legend, this was Walt’s favorite song, and he would ask the song’s composers to play it for him when he was feeling anxious or melancholy. In this paper, I argue that this song and story are central to the creation and maintenance of Walt Disney as a religious figure worthy of devotion. As the “Feed the Birds” story is retold and reenacted in films, fan events, biographies, and other media, it constructs Walt as someone who both needed and received spiritual help. In other words, it sanctifies him—not as a perfect man, but as a worthy one.
Attached Paper
Annual Meeting 2024
Making Walt Worthy: "Feed the Birds," Disney Fan Culture, and the Construction of a Musical Myth
Abstract for Online Program Book (maximum 150 words)