As the feminist scholars, activists, pastoral and non-pastoral caregivers of and for marginalized communities, how can we dismantle the equalization of those who are in the margins as inferior and subservient?” How can we utilize emotions as methods of resistance to challenge and change any socio-cultural perceptions, customs, norms that uphold and perpetuate this unjust and unequal society? How can we empower those who live their daily lives at the intersection of multiple marginalized identities by maximizing moral value of emotions such as anger, empathy, shame, and guilt; and minimizing the moral risks of emotions? By using pedagogy of discomfort (Megan Boler) and the pedagogy of the oppressed(Paulo Freire), I will offer a social imaginary as praxis that is based on the feminist care ethics.
Attached Paper
Annual Meeting 2024
Seeking alliance replacing alienation by reconceptualizing margins as the locus of resistance: a Praxis of Emotion-based Pedagogy of discomfort
Abstract for Online Program Book (maximum 150 words)