Attached Paper Annual Meeting 2024

Post-Structuralist Interpretations of Scripture Embedded in Propaganda Materials Produced by Islamist Extremists

Papers Session: From Texts to Media
Abstract for Online Program Book (maximum 150 words)

Literature produced by proscribed Islamist groups such as Islamic State (IS) and, their off-shoot and affiliate, Islamic State in Khurasan Province (ISKP) contain Qur’anic verses and religious teachings which are employed to support and justify the political and military aims of the groups. In their politicisation of Islam, scripture is often presented in a highly de-contextualised and manipulated way. Taking a more-or-less post-structuralist position towards the interpretation of texts, I do not argue that one interpretation of scripture is correct and another incorrect; however, I present a case for the legitimacy of practicing one’s judgmental rationality in the reading of scripture utilised by extremists. By treating the propaganda media materials produced by proscribed groups as objects-in-themselves to be deconstructed, emphasis is placed on the description, interpretation, and social analysis of texts to analyse the political intentions in the production, and offer a case for preferred readings which are consistent with the Qur’an as a whole.